I am looking for a little advice for a family member. We will call her Dawn for these purposes.

A little over two weeks ago, Dawn had a severely swollen leg and foot that only got worse. She saw her primary doctor and they said it was a baker’s cyst and it needed to be drained. She made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor out of town for a few days later. However, it kept getting worse, so she went to the emergency room. The doctor she saw there said nothing could be done – it would go away on its own.

The next day, she went to the orthopedic doctor and he was exasperated at her care from her other doctors. He sent her to a larger hospital’s emergency room as he couldn’t help her. While she was there, she was admitted and given iv antibiotics. The next day, they did surgery in her leg. The surgeon said that it was good she came in when she did because otherwise, she would have lost her leg in a day or two.

She ended up staying in the hospital for a week but was sent home with a pic line(sp?) for more treatments for the next several weeks. While in the hospital, the nurse told her these treatments would cost $230 a month. However, now that she is home and actively depending on the treatments, she has received documentation that it will be $1309 a week ($187 a day). Her insurance will not cover it until she hits the $10,000 deductible. Is there anything I can do to help in this situation? This is an unbearable burden for her, especially as she cannot return to work and has already incurred bills from the hospital stay and other procedures.

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TL;DR: a family member has to receive at home iv treatments at a cost of $1309 a week after an emergency surgery – can I do anything to negotiate with the insurance company?