$1,200 bill for preventative care I was covered for under Cigna, retracted by COTIVITI

Idk what do do. I got a $1,200 bill from my gynecologist for my annual exam and the Gardasil immunization (3 visits took place between 7/12/22-02/09/23). I was covered under Cigna through my dad's job from July 1st 2022-March 1st 2023, only for a short time while my mom had to find a new job.

SO called my gyno's billing department and they said that Cigna paid my claim, then COTIVITI retracted all of the money and sent them a receipt for $1,200. I've talked to CIGNA and she said we have to wait until that department opens to figure out why they retracted. Basically… there is no way in hell I'm going to be expected to pay this I hope??? Any tips on hashing this out with them because I'm just a 22 year old, this is actually my first rodeo

TLDR; Cigna paid my $1,200 claim, COTIVITI retracted and sent my doctor a bill, which I am currently expected to pay. How can I be sure I am not expected to pay this? because SHEESH

submitted by /u/Kindly_Interaction69

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