1099 contractor asking to take part in company group plan

I am a 1099 contractor that works for 1 company. Currently I buy my plan through Covered California. I don't qualify for subsidies. I want to ask the company I work for if I can take part in their plan — I have heard that they provide excellent benefits for employees, but I don't know specifics. Reasons: 1) I am thinking it will be cheaper and better, since it is a group plan; 2) I suspect it covers fertility treatments, which none of the CC plans do; 3) Seems like this would be a tax-advantaged alternative to asking for a raise.

I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to broach this with the company. I have been working for them for over a decade. Definitely do not want to discuss my personal situation with them (the fertility stuff). I would obviously prefer if they paid for the premium or part thereof. But in the event that they refuse, am I mistaken in my belief that their plan likely costs less than the Covered CA plans? I was just assuming that because it is a group plan vs the plan that I am buying individually. Any thoughts appreciated. I have been trying to work up the courage to ask as not having any benefits despite working my butt off for them for a decade+ has for whatever reason been a major mental block for me. TIA.

submitted by /u/PhoneTree4Ever

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