100% Coinsurance on everything in every category?

I recently got Humana health insurance through Medicaid and decided to read through the coverage a bit. I found that every single entry listed had 100% coinsurance, which means I will be paying 100% of everything, and i'm super confused. The "Individual limit" for how much I can pay total out of pocket is also $9999999.99. Is this entire thing just a total scam, claiming I can get health insurance but then the 'insurance' just covers absolutely nothing? Why is literally nothing covered at all, and what can I do about it? I am a non-dependent college student with extremely low income and was told I absolutely qualified by the agent I talked to, but now I feel like the victim of a bad prank.

Screenshot is here: https://imgur.com/a/kMYVMTi. This is for the "Professional visit" category, but every entry in every category is exactly like this.

submitted by /u/RecursiveCollapse

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