How much refund do we get on cancellation of flight ticket?
How much refund do we get on cancellation of flight ticket?Refund as per Airline cancellation policy will be Rs. 4750....
How much refund do we get on cancellation of flight ticket?Refund as per Airline cancellation policy will be Rs. 4750....
How do I know if my ticket is refundable American Airlines?How to know if you purchased refundable American Airlines tickets...
How much money is refunded on cancellation of confirmed ticket?If a confirmed ticket is cancelled more than 48 hrs before...
What is the difference between domestic travel and international travel?Remember that domestic flights are flights that do not leave the...
Can non-refundable tickets be rescheduled?Non-refundable tickets: You can reschedule the ticket and you have one year from the ticket's original...
Does travel insurance cover all travelers?Answer: Even though you are paying for the entire trip, each traveler would still need...
What is E class in flight?D - Business Class Discounted. E - Shuttle Service (no reservation allowed) or Economy/Coach Discounted....
How often are travel advisories updated?How often will you review Travel Advisory levels for each country? We will review and...
What does Y class ticket mean?Full-fare economy-class ticket Fare classes are identified by one-letter fare codes. Some fare classes and...
Are AIG and Travel Guard the same company?AIG Travel, a member of American International Group, Inc., provides travel insurance and...