What are the side effects of microchipping a dog?
What are the side effects of microchipping a dog?Although side effects are uncommon, microchipping a dog can sometimes bring upon...
What are the side effects of microchipping a dog?Although side effects are uncommon, microchipping a dog can sometimes bring upon...
Is a 3000 deductible high?High-deductible health plans (HDHP) have deductibles of at least $1,700 for single coverage or $3,400 for...
Does your insurance go up if you have a pitbull?If your dog bites someone, your homeowners insurance liability coverage usually...
Is a 4000 deductible high?As long as you are healthy, it is usually a more affordable option for health care...
Can you flush cat poop?Why You Should Never Flush Cat Poop Or Litter Even though it may seem like a...
Can I claim dog food on my taxes?If you can establish that you have an animal that is providing some...
What was the first Social Security number?This particular record, (055-09-0001) belonged to John D. Sweeney, Jr., age 23, of New...
Is an ear infection a pre-existing condition?Ear infections are considered curable pre-existing conditions though, so depending on your insurance company's...
What symptoms do dogs get with Covid?Pets sick with the virus that causes COVID-19 may have: Fever. Coughing. Difficulty breathing...
Does pumpkin cover microchipping?In addition to extensive coverage for pet accidents & illnesses, Pumpkin covers 90% of the cost of...