Will Progressive drop me after an accident?
Will Progressive drop me after an accident?Depending on the state, Progressive customers enjoy Accident Forgiveness benefits through our Loyalty Rewards...
Will Progressive drop me after an accident?Depending on the state, Progressive customers enjoy Accident Forgiveness benefits through our Loyalty Rewards...
Is BRK B a good investment?BRKB's Composite Rating is strong which means Berkshire Hathaway stock is one to watch for...
Does snapshot drain battery?A Progressive representative told KIRO 7 by phone that the claims are untrue, the Snapshot does not...
Is Progressive and Allstate the same company?No, Progressive and Allstate are separate companies. The Progressive Corporation and The Allstate Corporation...
How rude is Flo from Progressive?Stephanie Courtney, better known as Flo from the Progressive car insurance commercials, has been called...
How long do you have to use snapshot?Progressive's Snapshot review period typically lasts a minimum of 75 days. Feb 8,...
Will my insurance go up if I claim for a windshield?Does a windscreen claim effect your renewal premium? The majority...
What is Jake from State Farm net worth?He's an influencer and even performs some of his Jake from State Farm...
Can a non military person get USAA insurance?Even if you're not an active military member or a veteran, you may...
How do I file a claim with Progressive?You can file a claim through our mobile app, online, or by calling...