Mom refuses to remove me from her insurance plan, now I have a really great job and I want their plan, please help!
Hello everyone, so I graduated last May (I'm 22), recently I got a really really great job that not only...
Hello everyone, so I graduated last May (I'm 22), recently I got a really really great job that not only...
Hey Reddit, I’m in a tough spot with my healthcare and could really use some advice. Here’s the situation: I...
Age: 30 Gender: Female Income: $4000/year I'm going to be enrolling for insurance in the US for the first time...
The situation is kind of complicated. I called the hospital and the insurance company, but no one would like to...
I am under 45 but underwent a colonoscopy in my 30’s that was covered as a high risk screening due...
So, I was approved in July for an out of network practice to be treated as in network due to...
Hi! I have an appointment with a provider on Oct. 28th, it’s a consultation for top surgery and I am...
My wife's insurance through her job ended this year around the same time I was able to sign up for...
Cuando Pam McClure se enteró que el próximo año ahorraría casi $4,000 en sus medicamentos recetados dijo: “parece demasiado bueno...
I’ve had my insurance (Aetna Open Access EPO) since Jan 2023. In 2023, the plan was $348 monthly, this year...