How do I directly submit a bill/claim to be processed by insurance (NOT for reimbursement)
Hi! I am a 38F in Illinois, estimated gross income before taxes for my household is $230,000. Background info: I...
Hi! I am a 38F in Illinois, estimated gross income before taxes for my household is $230,000. Background info: I...
Hello. Any suggestions for getting marketplace insurance with the broadest PPO network in the country for noon- emergency care. Willing...
Los cambios no autorizados en los planes médicos de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (ACA) parecen...
Hello, I am renewing my market place plan and need some help. Hopefully someone that has navigated the same issues...
Unauthorized switching of Affordable Care Act plans appears to have tapered off in recent weeks based on an almost one-third...
My wife (35F) has had a number of medical bills go to collections because she has a chronic health condition...
Daniel Chang and Samantha Liss In mid-May, Mandi Rokx had a 3-month-old baby and a letter from a Florida agency...
The Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) is an additional charge that some Medicare beneficiaries must pay on top of their...
Hi everyone, I (28F) started a job and signed up for a voluntary critical illness claim during the on boarding...
American voters have just registered their dissatisfaction with increases in living expenses in the most direct way possible—at the ballot...