Switched health plans during labor
We had a unique situation of me switching jobs in April. My old insurance plan ran through April 30th and...
We had a unique situation of me switching jobs in April. My old insurance plan ran through April 30th and...
31/NY/$300k+ I had to go on disability leave due to pregnancy complications at 26 weeks pregnant while I was hospitalized....
David Engler had been pretty sure he didn’t want children. Then a frustrating school day two years ago helped seal...
I'm a little irritated because my doctor claims to have spent 45 minutes in the visit notes prompting a lev...
Please help me with health insurance, pregnancy, and baby math! My husband and I have decided we want to try...
I'm looking to purchase my first health insurance that doesn't come from school/family, so my main concern is estimating the...
I made a stupid mistake that could leave me penniless. I am insured through my school (Aetna) and, more recently,...
Hello, I had to call an ambulance today for emergent afib and a rest in heart rate of 200 BPM....
HOW do they get away with calling this plan a PPO if literally every category it lists “none” under out...
I’m REALLY annoyed with my prescription insurance at the moment. I went to refill 3 medications about a week ago...