Surprisingly Unsafe: The 1993-only Toyota T-100

The Toyota T-100, made for six years between 1993 and 1998, is often considered to be a reliable truck that offers a middle ground between a compact truck and a true full-size. But if you’re looking for a T-100, avoid its first year of 1993. If it doesn’t have a driver air bag (standard on the 1994-1998 and not available on the ’93) pass on it. 

In the NHTSA front crash test, a 1993 T-100 had serious injury risks of 54% for the driver and 49% for the passenger, putting it in the 1-star range (out of 5) for both occupants. Of 39 vehicles tested that year, the T-100 was the sole vehicle to score 1 star for both occupants. The average 1993-model vehicle tested was at 23% and 19% respectively. 

After that embarrassing performance, Toyota made some modifications to the 1994 T-100, adding a driver air bag and improving the seat belt system. It performed far better, with a 14% risk for the driver and 11% risk for the passenger, putting it in the upper half of the 4-star range for both occupants. 

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