AV Safety with a Telepresent Driver or Remote Safety Operator

AV Safety with a Telepresent Driver or Remote Safety Operator

Some teams propose to test or even operate autonomous vehicles (AVs) with a telepresent driver or remote safety operator.  Making this safe is no easy thing.

Typically the remote human driver/supervisor located at a remote operating base, although sometimes they will operate by closely following the AV test platform in a chase vehicle for cargo-only AV configurations.

Beyond the considerations for an in-vehicle safety
driver, telepresent safety operators have to additionally contend with at

Restricted sensory information
such as potentially limited visual coverage, lack of audio information, lack of
road feel, and lack of other vehicle physical cues depending on the particular
vehicle involved. This could cause problems with reacting to emergency vehicle
sirens and reacting to physical vehicle damage that might be detected by a
physically present driver such as a tire blow-out, unusual vibration, or strange
vehicle noise. Lack of road feel might also degrade the driver’s ability to
remotely drive the vehicle to perform a fallback operation in an extreme

Delayed reaction time due to the
round-trip transmission lag. In some situations, tenths or even hundredths of
seconds of additional lag time in transmissions might make the difference
between a crash and a recovery from a risky situation.

The possibility of wireless
connectivity loss. Radio frequency interference or loss of a cell tower might
interrupt an otherwise reliable connection to the vehicle. Using two different
cell phone providers can easily have redundancy limitations due to shared
infrastructure such as cell phone towers, cell tower
machine rooms (for some providers), and disruption of shared backhaul fiber bundles. A
single infrastructure failure or localized interference can disrupt multiple
different connectivity providers to one or multiple AVs.

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Role of remote safety operator

Achieving acceptable safety with remote operators
depends heavily on the duties of the remote operator. Having human operators
provide high-level guidance with soft deadlines is one thing: “Vehicle: I think
that flag holder at the construction site is telling me to go, but my
confidence is too low; did I get that right? Operator: Yes, that is a correct
interpretation.” However, depending on a person to take full control of
remotely driving a vehicle in real time with a remote steering wheel at speed
is quite another, and makes ensuring safety quite difficult.

A further challenge is the inexorable economic
pressure to have remote operators monitoring more than one vehicle. Beyond
being bad at boring automation supervision tasks, humans are also inefficient
at multitasking. Expecting a human supervisor to notice when an AV is getting
itself into a tricky situation is made harder by monitoring multiple vehicles.
Additionally, there will inevitably be a situation in which two vehicles under
control of a single supervisor will need concurrent attention when the operator
can only handle one AV in a crisis at a time.

There are additional legal issues to consider for
remote operators. For example, how does an on-scene police officer give a field
sobriety test to a remote operator after a crash if that operator is hundreds
of miles away – possibly in a different country? These issues must be addressed
to ensure that remote safety driver arrangements can be managed effectively.

Any claim of testing safety with a telepresent
operator needs to address the issues of restricted sensory information,
reaction time delays, and the inevitability of an eventual connectivity loss at
the worst possible time. There are also hard questions to be asked about the accountability
issues and law enforcement implications of such an approach.

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Active vs. passive remote monitoring

A special remote monitoring concern is a safety
argument that amounts to the vehicle will notify a human operator when it needs
help, so there is no need for any human remote operator to continuously monitor
driving safety. Potentially the most difficult part of AV safety is ensuring
that the AV actually knows when it is in trouble and needs help. Any argument
that the AV will call for help is unpersuasive unless it squarely addresses the
issue of how it will know it is in a situation it has not been trained to

The source of this concern is that machine
learning-based systems are notorious for false confidence. In other words,
saying an ML-based system will ask for help when it needs it assumes that the
most difficult part to get right – knowing the system is encountering an
unknown unsafe condition –  is working
perfectly during the testing being performed to see if, in fact, that most
difficult part is working. That type of circular dependency is a problem for
ensuring safety.

Even if such a system were completely reliable at
asking for help when needed, the ability of a remote operator to acquire
situational awareness and react to a crisis situation quickly is questionable.
It is better for the AV to have a validated capable of performing Fallback
operations entirely on its own rather than relying on a remote operator to jump
in to save the day. Before autonomous Fallback capabilities are trustworthy, a
human safety supervisor should continuously monitor and ensure safety.

See also  Defining Safe Level 2 & Level 3 Vehicles

Any remote operator road testing that claims the AV
will inform the remote operator when attention is needed should be treated as
an uncrewed road testing operation as discussed in book section 9.5.7. Any such AV
should be fully capable of handling a Fallback operation completely on its own,
and only ask a remote operator for help with recovery after the situation has
been stabilized.

This is an adapted excerpt (Section 9.5.3) from my book: How Safe is Safe Enough? Measuring and Predicting Autonomous Vehicle Safety