2023: Year In Review

 2023 was a busy year!  Here is a list of my presentations, podcasts, and formal publications from 2023 in case you missed any and want to catch up.




Widen, W. & Koopman, P., Federal Action Is Needed to Maintain Trust in Automated Vehicle Technology, Jurist, Sep. 7, 2023.Widen, W. & Koopman, P., Level 3 Automated Vehicles and Criminal Law, Jurist, Aug. 8, 2023Koopman, P., Written Testimony Before US Congress, House E&C Committee regarding Self-Driving Car Safety. (local | hearing video)Koopman, P. & Widen, W., “A Reasonable Driver Standard for Automated Vehicle Safety,” Safecomp WAISE workshop, Sept. 2023. (local | SSRN)Koopman, P. & Widen, W., “Safety Ethics for the Design and Test of Automated Driving Features,” IEEE Design & Test, 2023. (In press; SSRN preprint | local)Koopman, P., “UL 4600: What to Include in an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Case,” IEEE Computer, 2023. (local)Widen, W. & Koopman, P., “Winning the Imitation Game: Setting Safety Expectations for Automated Vehicles,” SSRN, April 25, 2023. (local)Widen, W. & Koopman, P., “The Awkward Middle for Automated Vehicles: Liability Attribution Rules When Humans and Computers Share Driving Responsibilities,” SSRN, May 10, 2023. (local)Koopman, P., & Widen, W., “Liability Rules for Automated Vehicles: Definitions & Details,” SSRN, May 10, 2023. (local)Koopman, P., “How safe is safe enough for autonomous vehicles?” SAE Update, April 2023, pp. 30-34.Koopman, P., “An Improved Modular Addition Checksum Algorithm,” Apr. 2023, (arxiv.org/abs/2304.13496)Koopman, P., “Large-Block Modular Addition Checksum Algorithms,” Feb. 2023. (arxiv.org/abs/2302.13432)

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