Why small businesses need commercial insurance

Why small businesses need commercial insurance

Commercial insurance can be essential to your business, potentially cushioning it against the financial shocks of unexpected events. Coverage can also be tailored to the diverse needs of most businesses and provide protection against minor property damage to major interruptions caused by a variety of events, from accidents to catastrophic weather.

Owning and operating a business is no small feat. Statistics from the Canadian government show about 70% of businesses in both the goods-producing and services sectors continue to operate past the five-year mark. Fast forward to a decade later, and less than half are still standing. Keeping your doors open is already an uphill battle and illustrates the critical role of commercial insurance. Protecting your businesses against the unpredictable can help if an unforeseen event derails your operations temporarily.

Key risk areas for small businesses and how to mitigate them

Data breaches

In a digital world, small businesses can be particularly vulnerable to data breaches. This risk involves hackers gaining unauthorized access to company information, which can lead to potential reputational damage, data corruption and financial loss. Even businesses that don’t primarily operate online can face this risk through their customer information databases or digital payment systems. A robust cybersecurity plan and regular audits can help protect your business from a cyber breach. Training employees on data handling and identifying potential phishing scams can also help safeguard your business.

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Imagine a small online retailer experiencing a cyberattack where customer credit card information is stolen. Potential fallout could include financial loss, business interruption, regulatory fines, and lost customer trust. Commercial insurance that includes cyber coverage can help in a cyber related event and help mitigate the financial loss and potential downtime your business experiences.

Property damage

Natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and fires can disrupt business operations. While insurance can cover physical damages, the downtime during repairs can be costly. Developing a continuity plan, including remote work options or alternative business locations, can help maintain operations during such crises.

Think about a café that has suffered flood damage. While the physical damage to the property might be covered, the business could lose income during repairs. Commercial insurance that includes business interruption coverage can help cover lost income, helping the café stay afloat financially during recovery.

Your employees

From workplace injuries to liability issues, employee risks can vary. Implementing comprehensive training programs, emphasizing safety protocols, and having a robust liability insurance policy can protect both employees and the business.

For example, an employee of a landscaping company gets injured while operating machinery. This could lead to medical costs and potential liability claims. The right commercial insurance can help cover medical expenses and protect the business from third-party damages.

Professional service mistakes

For businesses providing professional services, errors or omissions can be potentially costly mistakes for your clients. This risk can be mitigated through meticulous contract drafting, clear communication of service parameters, and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance.

Take a small accounting firm that makes an error in a client’s tax return, this could lead to a potential financial loss for the client. Commercial insurance like E&O is designed to help cover the costs associated with a mistake like this.

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Building projects

Construction projects come with inherent risks like delays, cost overruns, and safety concerns. Business owners should conduct thorough due diligence on contractors, ensure clear contract terms, and consider commercial insurance options that cover construction-specific risks. Regular monitoring of the project’s progress and adherence to safety standards can also help manage these risks.

A small business owner undertaking an office renovation might face issues like construction delays or accidents on-site. Construction insurance can help protect the business from the financial burden of these unforeseen events by helping cover project-related damages and liabilities.

Damage to the environment

Small businesses, especially those in manufacturing or dealing with chemicals, can inadvertently cause environmental pollution. For instance, a small auto repair shop might have a chemical spill that contaminates the local groundwater. The cleanup costs and potential damages from affected parties can be substantial. Pollution liability insurance can provide coverage for such events, helping to manage the costs of cleanup and any damages awarded, ensuring the business isn’t overwhelmed by the financial repercussions of the pollution incident. This type of commercial insurance can be crucial for businesses that have the potential to impact the environment.

How to choose the right commercial insurance for your business

Before deciding on commercial insurance, it’s essential to delve into the specifics of your industry, understand the unique challenges you face, and work with an insurance specialist to craft an insurance solution that aligns seamlessly with your business. It’s important to ensure that your coverage is a strategic tool, fine-tuned to offer optimal protection and peace of mind.

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Finding the right insurance provider is also key. Look for providers with a strong background in your industry. They’ll have a deeper understanding of your specific risks and can offer more relevant policies and advice. This insight can be invaluable for tailoring your insurance coverage to address your unique business risks effectively.

Ensure your small business is protected

At Northbridge we strive to go beyond the basics. Our insurance specialists can help build the right policy with your specific needs in mind. Our goal isn’t to just meet your insurance needs; but exceed them, by offering flexibility, experience, and providing the confidence that your business is protected.

If you operate a small business and want to learn more about the insurance solutions we offer contact us today to get a quote.