What Doesn’t Public Liability Insurance Cover?

Here at Tradesman Saver, we know that as a tradesperson or small business owner, having extensive public liability insurance is crucial. It gives you invaluable protection when customers want to claim compensation for accidental property damage or personal injury caused by your work.
But while our public liability coverage is extremely useful, some of our customers are surprised to later discover there are exclusions which mean certain incidents won’t result in a successful claim. As such, it’s extremely important that you understand what public liability insurance does and doesn’t cover, in case you need to adapt your insurance policy to ensure that you’re fully protected.
What Doesn’t Public Liability Insurance Cover?
While our public liability insurance delivers extensive protection for mishaps on your work site or due to your products, several situations usually aren’t included. Common exclusions to be aware of are:
Pre-existing issues
Any defects, structural problems or injuries stemming from before you took out insurance with us aren’t typically covered. Our policies will only consider claims arising after it became active.
Contractual Liabilities
Damages related to any special contractual agreements or guarantees you provide directly to customers also fall outside our standard public liability cover. We’d advise carefully checking these first.
Hazardous materials
Accidents linked to dangerous substances like asbestos or involving hazardous waste disposal and pollution often aren’t included or have strict stipulations concerning their handling before an incident occurs.
Vehicles requiring separate motor insurance
Any vehicles driven that require their own motor insurance policies aren’t covered for third party injuries or damages within our liability protection. Here at Tradesman Saver, we don’t provide vehicle insurance as part of our insurance packages for tradespeople. As such, you will need to arrange your own vehicle insurance.
Criminal acts
Property damage or injuries inflicted while breaking UK laws also can’t be claimed for through us either. Our insurers will refuse involvement in legal cases stemming from criminal behaviour.
As policies vary greatly between providers, we strongly recommend you carefully review our documents concerning inclusions and limitations to avoid nasty surprises. If any aspects are worrying you, our brokers can readily source more tailored alternatives to ensure you’re as protected as possible.
Common Public Liability Insurance Misconceptions:
There are also some common myths concerning what basic public liability policies do or don’t include that we frequently encounter:
Injuries to working business partners – Contrary to popular belief, illnesses and injuries sustained by your business partners and directors can be covered by us, either under your standard policy or through some affordable add-ons depending on circumstances. This however doesn’t extend to external contractors and their employees in most instances.Pure financial damages – Many assume public liability stops at personal damages and property damage claims from the general public. But cover for financial losses inflicted on third-parties can actually be added as an extra level of protection in many cases too.Inadequate security failing to prevent theft – Believing break-ins and thefts in your premises categorically removes all liability is false. Our public liability determines reasonable protections needed for stock, equipment and high-value items depending on your trade and region. So if you’re burgled via an open window, insurers may argue more precautions should reasonably have applied beforehand.
For Tradesperson Public Liability Insurance You Can Trust, Call Tradesman Saver
While our public liability insurance provides extensive coverage for a wide range of incidents and accidents resulting from your work, some key exclusions do remain concerning pre-existing issues, contractual liabilities and criminal behaviour.
The key takeaway is to carefully check your documents and ask us about any specific scenarios or concerns you may have. We can then make sure you get additional covers if a risk poses particular challenges for your trade or region.
At Tradesman Saver, we aim to take the confusion and stress out of getting appropriately insured. Our team is always happy to advise on suitable covers and provide seamless support if you ever need to make a claim down the line.
Give us a call on 0800 121 8748, or email info@tradesmansaver.co.uk anytime to discuss your unique insurance requirements.