How can you prevent slips, trips and falls at your club?

How can you prevent slips, trips and falls at your club?

10 tips to stopping trips and slips

Slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries at work. Outdoor surfaces bring extra challenges especially in a wet climate. How can you minimise the risk of slipping and tripping accidents?

Wooden decking is especially likely to become slippery in winter, especially if it hasn’t had the chance to dry out in between the rain showers. Ice, snow and wet leaves are another hazard when it comes to surfaces.

Slip, trip and fall accidents are a serious issue. The HSE identifies that these accidents are the most common cause of major injury in the UK. Now the autumn season is upon us and before the winter season kicks in, now would be the time to consider what you can do to reduce risk.

Protecting your business from slips and trips claims

Businesses should be extra vigilant, ensuring wet weather procedures are followed up with documentation of events recorded and retained – that all important document can come in very handy! 

Wooden decking in the autumn and winter months can become extremely slippery due to wet weather or damp leaves, and our industry has recently seen a rise in personal injury claims resulting from slips on decking. Legal actions following an injury can be extremely costly. Effective health and safety solutions are often simple and inexpensive.

We advise clubs to review these 10 precautions: 

Clean leaves, litter, mud, debris and excess water from the decking surfaces
 Use anti-slip or high visibility tread, this can be applied directly onto the decking surface 
 Display signs warning of risk of slipping when appropriate 
 Provide handrails and maintain them in good condition 
 Apply yellow hazard tape or paint for easier identification of the decked area boundary 
 Install good quality entrance matting 
 Coat the decking with non-slip paint 
 Provide suitable lighting 
 Ensure a risk assessment has been carried out to help identify any associated hazards 
 Advise members of staff and students to wear sensible footwear

See also  2025 HR Compliance Round-Up

At Club Insure, our mission is to ensure that your club is protected at all times of year and in all weathers. Using these tips, you’ll reduce your risk of a public liability claims in relation to accidents on your premises.

Club Insure’s risk assessment services are ideal for analysing the many risk factors at your club. Contact us for a free visitation, we will come to your club and discuss how we can best help you. Try our risk assessment checklist and see where you stand.