Surviving Black Friday in South Africa: A guide to navigating the jungle of deals

Surviving Black Friday in South Africa: A guide to navigating the jungle of deals

Black Friday. A day that turns even the most composed South African into a wild-eyed, trolley-pushing, deal-hunting predator. Whether it’s snagging a new TV for half the price or wrestling someone for the last discounted bag of boerewors, we all want a piece of the Black Friday pie. But how do you prepare for this commercial extravaganza? Worry not, we’ve got you covered. Grab your hats; we’re going on a safari through the shopping aisles.


Step 1: Do your recon

Before you charge into the store like a Springbok in an open field, do some online research. In South Africa, Black Friday isn’t just confined to 1 day; it starts as early as a week before. So, get online and look at what deals are on offer. And by ‘online,’ we don’t mean gossiping with Aunt Karen on WhatsApp; we mean checking retailers’ websites.


Step 2: Make a list, check it twice

Don’t walk into the shops without a game plan. Write a list of what you want and rank them by priority. This way, you won’t end up with a trolley full of mismatched items that look like a boot sale gone wrong.


Step 3: Assemble your team

Let’s face it, Black Friday shopping is a contact sport. Assemble your team wisely. Choose mates who have qualities like speed, reach, and most importantly, the ability to give the ‘stink eye’ to anyone eyeing the last air fryer.


Step 4: Dress for success

Black Friday is not a runway; this is survival of the fittest. Think of practicality over style. Are those high heels going to help you dash to the electronics section? We think not. Dress like you’re going to tackle the Comrades Marathon, not a glamour shoot.

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Step 5: Be prepared for a queue-tastrophe

Queuing up outside the store is a quintessential Black Friday ritual. Bring some fold-up chairs, snacks, and a good playlist. If you’re feeling fancy, why not braai? Just make sure you pack it up before the doors open, or you’ll be braai-ing your chances at getting that deal.


Step 6: Know your rights, but keep it civil

Knowing your consumer rights will give you the upper hand when disputing a dodgy deal. However, remember that the cashier didn’t make the rules. Yelling at them is as effective as shouting at the Springboks on TV; they can’t hear you and you’re only upsetting the dog.


Step 7: Make it rain (responsibly)

South Africans know how to ‘make it rain’ when the deal is right. However, make sure you stick to your budget. Remember, ‘affordable’ doesn’t mean buying a year’s supply of biltong because it was on sale.


Step 8: Enjoy your spoils

After all the dust has settled, and you’ve made it home with your bargains, take a moment to revel in your shopping prowess. You’ve just navigated the jungle that is Black Friday in South Africa and lived to tell the tale.

Step 9: Insurance from the king

Don’t forget to get insurance from King Price. This ensures that most of your new gadgets and things are covered (you know, so you can replace them if something happens). For a commitment-free quote, simply click here or WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50.


There you have it, folks! You’re now armed and ready to tackle Black Friday, South African style. So, get out there, and be fierce.

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Surviving Black Friday in South Africa: A guide to navigating the jungle of deals


Get ready for Black Friday in South Africa with our step-by-step guide! From planning your shopping list to assembling the perfect team, we cover everything you need to navigate the jungle of deals and come out a winner. Don’t forget the sunscreen!


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