You might not be aware of some recent changes, or changes that are coming, so being the nice folks that we are, we thought we’d give you a bit of a heads up.

Put the telly on and make a brew

It seems as if the Department for Transport (DfT) is preparing for changes to cars and the use of self-driving technology. Although self-driving cars are not allowed on our roads at the moment, it won’t be too far into the future when they are a regular sight.

You’ll no doubt be interested to learn that whilst you might be able to watch a bit of telly, you will still be able to take back control of the car if needed. Phew. However, if you are not actually in control of the car and it crashes, you can’t be held responsible. Who is? Your insurer.

Smart motorway changes

As long ago as April last year, it was announced that automated lane-keeping technology will allow hands-free driving in vehicles. These vehicles will have a speed limit of 37mph imposed. Drivers will be required to take back control of their vehicle when prompted. We would hope that drivers would know before being prompted!

Ah, well, what if you’ve fallen asleep because you’ve got nothing better to do, seeing as the car is in control? It does seem as if the DfT is giving this some serious thought and have realised it will require major changes to the Highway Code. It’s a work in progress, folks.

It seems that presently though, whilst drivers can’t be legally accountable for road safety whilst the car is doing the driving, the driver must still be aware and able to resume driving at any time. So, no time for a quick nap then. Fully self-controlled cars seem to be a long way off in the future, but who knows?

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Marty McFly had some pretty weird experiences and back in 1985, hoverboards were definitely a creation in someone’s imagination. It took until 2014 to become a reality. Only 30 years. So who knows, we may have flying cars by 2050!

You’ll still need insurance though so make sure yours is up to date by clicking on our cheap car insurance, where we compare hundreds of providers. Get started now by filling out this 3-minute form.

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