What you need to know about switching home insurance

What you need to know about switching home insurance

Switching to a better home insurance policy that’s way more suitable for your valuables and way more affordable for your budget is the smart (and dare we say, obvious) choice. Sadly, a lot of consumers don’t actually know that they can switch their insurance to whichever company they want, whenever they want. And if they do know that they can switch, they’ll avoid doing so because of the perceived hassle. The happy news is that you should be able to switch your insurance with minimal hassle and 0 guilt.

Let’s say, for example, that you’ve found our comprehensive home contents insurance or our amazing and super affordable fire and fury home contents insurance. And you want it. It’s cheaper, better, and the chat you had with our consultants was nothing short of charming, so it makes sense that you want to switch to our royal cover. Thankfully the transition from your current provider to our kingdom of insurance savings and convenience can be a lot simpler than you think.

Of course, while we’ll handle the paperwork for you, there are a few things that you can be aware of in order to help make the process a whole lot smoother…

What to check when switching home insurance

The list of values

When you’re switching your home contents insurance, you’ve got a fresh opportunity to make sure that your insured items are listed correctly and that their related cover is in line with the most up-to-date replacement values. It’s all in aid of making sure that if something happens, we’re able to replace your broken or stolen TV with 1 that’s similar. If it’s not listed for the right value, we might not be able to replace it or only replace it with a smaller, less expensive model. And that’s not great at all.

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Any changes to your life

Our royal insurance policies are created to accurately reflect your life circumstances, so if there’s anything new in your life like a change of jobs, new home, or getting married then let us know. We can make any necessary changes to your policy and let you know if there’s any impact to your cover… But only if you tell us about what’s going on in your life.

Every eventuality

We’ve gone to great pains to develop 2 outstanding home contents insurance policies. Each is geared to cover your homely possessions in a particular way. Our fire and fury option covers your stuff against a wide range of risks but not against theft. It’s perfect for the security conscious who want more affordable cover against accidental damage, storm, flooding, etc. But if you’re after more cover that includes theft, then we’ve also got our comprehensive option.

If you’re still worried about what’s covered in your chosen policy before you make the switch, then just talk to us.

Read the fine print

We don’t believe in fine print. It’s rude and feels like a way to trip up consumers. So we took our policy docs (the king’s terms and conditions) and reworked them. We literally rewrote everything to make sure it was in plain English, included relevant examples to clarify certain points, and also asked our creative geniuses to put some razzle dazzle design effort into it. It’s an actual work of insurance art and we’re pretty proud of it.

This wasn’t an extra project to keep the good folk in our marketing department busy, no not at all. It was for you. We want you to understand your cover and how it works so that you can fully use your policy with us. There may be extras that you didn’t know were covered, like our emergency home assistance service that’s there for you when the front door key breaks in the lock or a kitchen pipe goes ‘bang’ and floods the house.

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Ready to switch to the king’s home insurance? Perfect. You can click here to get a quote or call us on 0860 50 50 50 and a consultant will help you right away. We’ve even got an app that you can use to manage your insurance. It’s the ultimate blend of savings, efficiency, convenience, and that friendly touch that you’d expect from us.