Overwhelmed by options. Can someone please steer me in a direction?

45m. I work full-time in the physical therapy field. Married to 43f with two kids. No debt aside from mortgage. We're in year 8 of a 30-yr mortgage with a balance of ~$150k. We also have generally sucked at planning for retirement, so we don't have much investment there, given our ages (~$60k between the two of us in our 401ks).

My goal: I just want to purchase some type of policy that at minimum, will pay off the house and funeral expenses if I were to croak suddenly. Unfortunately I've been wired in this life to assume everything insurance/warranty-related is basically a scam and I'm scared that when buying a policy, they will find a way to wiggle out of paying if I were to pass. Can anyone ease my concern about that?

I see lots of comments in this subreddit about finding a local broker. And I will, but I just wanted to first ask here just for a general direction about type of policy, what to avoid, etc. Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/RenegadeSteak

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