Have I been denied life insurance or postponed?


I am 34/m, I applied for life insurance approximately 2 months ago. Due to certain health conditions (High Blood pressure, fatty liver), I obviously had to go through some advanced screening where blood and urine samples were provided.

They requested an APS (Attending Physician Statement) which I gave them the go ahead to do. I forgot to mention to them when I initially provided all the information to them that I had a pending sleep study that I have yet to book (which I since have and waiting on results) and apparently I had rejected a liver consultation which I don't recall coming up, but that is a convo between my doctor and I.

They came back and said "Coverage Status: Declined" but also said "case is postponed due to pending sleep study and liver consultation that was declined by you".

My question is, am I being denied outright any coverage or am I just being "postponed" until I sort out those outstanding items?

I have obviously asked them, but it is the weekend and I doubt I will get an answer so just want to see what everyone's experiences are.

bonus question: Can I apply for other life insurance in the mean time?

submitted by /u/Buzzkillingness

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