Can someone help? Visit to the ER

Hi, I had to go to the ER two times this week. Both due to pregnancy complications (first one was due to bleeding and the second visit was due to suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy).

On my first visit, a doctor performed a cervix test, urine test (to confirm pregnancy), and blood test to check my HCG levels. (Was there for about 3-4 hours)

On my second visit, only blood test and an ultrasound. (Was there for about 2 hours)

I am concerned about how much this will cost me. I have CIGNA insurance. On my “plan documents page,” this is the information that I found:


Hospital Emergency Room: $200.00 per visit copay then 100% (copay waived if admitted)

Includes Outpatient Professional Services (radiology, pathology and ER Physician), X-Ray and/or Lab-services, Advanced Radiological Imaging (i.e. MRIs, MRas, Cat Scans, PET Scans and Nuclear Medicine, etc.)

What does any of this mean? I am not from the US so I am not familiar with how insurance works here – all I ever hear is that you should avoid the emergency room at all costs. I wish they would just tell you costs upfront.

Any input would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/ZookeepergameMean664

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