Cigna & Evernorth Mass Lay Offs, Breach of PHI, and AI driven Denial of Pre-Auth

I work for Cigna in their technology arm and there are 3 things that are very concerning to me. I have emails regarding these things but not sure if I should share them. 1) Cigna for the past 2 years has been laying off all American Tech workers and hiring only in their Hyderabad India branch, tens of thousands of lay offs. A new round of lay offs is going to occur this week. 2) They have allowed employees in India access to PHI regarding millions of American workers, including Pepsi, the Department of Defense, and others, and once they realized that the contracts did not allow for American PHI to go off shore they quietly had access revoked, after contracts were broken and HIPAA violated. 3) Last year they started to have providers fax pre-auth in so that they could use large language models to deny pre-auths easier based on technicality. They were very proud that this would save them 60 million dollars a year, on pharmacy claims alone.

submitted by /u/Responsible-Chart144

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