Considering options after job loss

Hi – I’m 35, pregnant (due in early June), and facing a probable layoff next week. Looking ahead at my options, I was hoping you all could help vet my thought process and see if I’ve missed any considerations.


Use COBRA to stay on current employer’s insurance which is an HDHP with 100% coverage after I meet my deductible/OOP max, which I have.

I believe this means I would pay $0 for additional maternity care and labor/delivery services, so my only out of pocket costs would be the COBRA premiums

My payslip very helpfully lists employer paid benefits so I’m estimating COBRA premiums at ~$650/mo based on that

Use this QLE to get on my husband’s PPO plan.Additional premium to add spouse is about $350/mo

Maternity coverage is extremely vague in the summary plan description – it just says “Benefits will be the same as those stated under each Covered Health Service category in this section.”

Aside from PCP and Specialist visits which have copays, other services like Hospital – Inpatient Stay are covered at 80% after the deductible is met ($3000 family deductible, $9000 OOP max)

Possibly a special enrollment period in the marketplace? I know job loss is a QLE but does the fact that I’m eligible to get on my husband’s insurance disqualify me?

My thought process right now is as follows:

I need 3 months of coverage (April, May, June) to get me through delivery. My due date is early enough in June that there’s no possibility of going into July, although if baby came early I might only need 2 months.

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COBRA is likely to be cheaper than my husband’s PPO since he hasn’t had any medical expenses yet this year so we’ll have to meet the $3000 deductible, and even after that we’d still have to pay 20% of the remaining costs.

Napkin math for husband’s plan: ($350/mo premium x 3 months) + $3000 deductible = ~$4050 which could still go up

Napkin math for COBRA: $650/mo x 3 months = $1950 which is probably the max we’d pay

This is a later problem, but I’ll have another QLE once the baby is born at which point I could get on husband’s insurance with the baby and end COBRA coverage. Most visits in the following months would be fully covered (preventive care) or copay-based. We’d face the same issue with starting over on his deductible, but I think the premium increases make this essentially a wash. (Can you even increase your coverage for a QLE when you’re on COBRA?)

Other relevant info and questions:

My OB and hospital are in-network for both plans

I want to try to get more clarity on maternity coverage under my husband’s insurance

If estimated maternity costs on husband’s plan somehow turned out to be less than $900 then that could be a compelling case for just making the switch to his plan now – but this seems unlikely

My OB normally uses global billing but that’s already completely jacked up for this pregnancy because I had an insurance change on Feb 1 due to my company being acquired (by the company that’s about to lay me off)

Any thoughts on the best way to get this info? I know the hospital billing dept can give me an estimate if I have the right CPT codes, but I still wouldn’t know how that aligns with the categories listed in the SPD, e.g., does a C-section fall under “Hospital – Inpatient Stay,” “Physician Fees for Surgical and Medical Services,” or something else?

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I’m currently job hunting but I don’t have any leads that are solid enough to be worth rolling the dice on whatever my future insurance might be. How would COBRA interact with the new insurance if I did find a job relatively quickly?

My FSA is already fully spent for the year, so I don’t need to worry about losing it. Would COBRA require me to continue paying toward it since I’ve spent more than I’ve put in?

Am I missing anything that I need to be thinking about?

Thank you so much for your help!!