Wife pregnant, no health insurance. How screwed am I?

Hey, here are a few cornorstones:

My wife is pregnant (week 21) and has an appointment on Tuseday My employer got me switched over to another company (it's just another branch but another, better entity with better healthcare etc.) Coverage of the new insurance will start on April 1st. Somehow my UHC dashboard shows my coverage end date was Dec. 31, 2024 She has prepaid some stuff (around $2.5k).

I also have a 4 year old son and it seems we all are currently not covered. I'm relatively new to the system as I am a legal alien from Germany. Income wise we are not eligible for ACA or other help (I guess).

What are the chances that her Tuseday appointment will be covered as we prepaid? Or in general: How screwed are we? Is there any chance to get at least her covered again?

EDIT: Thanks for all your answers. I saw that the payment provider says I'm insured till 31/03 so I should be fine, theoretically. Only UHC says I'm not covered so I think I'll have to figure that out with UHC, HR and especially my wife.

submitted by /u/Which_Seat2796

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