PIWA, NESLA Merger Expands Outreach Throughout the Northeast
The Professional Insurance Wholesalers Association and the New England Surplus Lines Association have merged.
This merger recognizes the importance of the role of wholesalers in the insurance industry, and it will combine the strength of two excess-and-surplus wholesalers associations into one unified front.
PIWA is a professional association that represents insurance wholesalers who serve retail insurance producers with specialty and E&S markets in the Northeast. This organization serves as a central resource for wholesale brokers and specialty companies by supporting them through advocacy, education and networking.
Some of PIWA’s victories include lobbying for legislation to require retail agents to notify premium finance companies; lobbying successfully for legislation to allow security guards who purchase insurance as part of their licensing requirement to use nonadmitted carriers; and more.
“This merger marks an important chapter in the lifetimes of both associations,” said PIWA President Robert Farella. “By combining our resources as a single association, we can provide the best possible service to wholesalers in the Northeast.”
“We are proud to join forces, and our work shall continue under the banner of PIWA,” said NESLA President Rich Martino. “Wholesalers in the Northeast will now have a broader influence and a bigger voice in the industry.”
More about the PIWA
Established in 1978, the Professional Insurance Wholesalers Association is a professional association of insurance wholesalers serving retail insurance producers with specialty and excess-line markets throughout the Northeast.