Take out life insurance on my mom?

My mom had mentioned to me that if my siblings and I wanted to take out life insurance on her we can with her permission so that we could all have something to fall back on. However, we would choose all the details and we would pay the premiums (it wouldn’t be a big financial burden for myself – idk about my siblings can they get separate ones based on what they could afford?

she’s going to hit 60 next month what’s my best option? In relative healthy condition she has a bad knee (injury from work) that she will get replaced in the next couple of years but idk if that counts against her. How much min or max?

Options for 20 years is what I’m seeing but I have to ask what if she outlives that – I’m assuming I’m not seeing 30 year options cause then the probability of a payout goes up. Are there cash options or such? I don’t know much about life insurance so I apologize if any of these are silly questions.

Anyone willing to provide advise would be much appreciated and please ask me what you need and I will try to reply to the best of my knowledge.

submitted by /u/UpVoteAllDay24

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