I got suckered into buying an IUL in 2016 and still have it

My (32F) “friends” dad owned a “financial firm” where she became an agent. As we know, they use MLM tactics and she brought me in to “practice” her presentation. At the end of it, her dad swooped in and really laid it on thick that this was THE way to financial freedom and a tax free retirement.

And so little 24 year old me totally bought into it and signed up.

A few years later I started doing some research on IUL’s and was devastated by everything I read. But after looking at my policy, it had a 10 year surrender charge and I’d walk away with nothing.

My premiums are $75/month, which isn’t a big ask for me. So I figured I’d just forget about it and just let the thing ride until I’m out of the surrender period. And hey, if I die in the meantime at least my sister would get $250,000.

After almost 9 years of it being in-force I’ve paid $7875 in and my accumulation value is now at $3773 (however I’m still in the surrender charge period until May of 2026). It’s a LifeScope product with National Life Group & it has an Accelerated Benefit Rider and a Lifetime Income Benefit Rider on it. Has anyone kept theirs 10+ years and do I have a chance of the accumulation value surpassing the premiums paid if the S&P continues performing? Or will the fees for the extra riders and the product itself eat at that number?

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