So, I was approved in July for an out of network practice to be treated as in network due to lack of providers in state. Called week before to confirm, and was told "your account is notated with the approval code and you should be all set". Fast forward 3 weeks and they deny the claim saying my plan does qualify for this even though I was told twice it was all set. This wasn't some cheap procedure either and will have follow ups. The insurance provider, cigna, couldn't give a shit it seems. Luckily I have it I wiring from chat logs that I was approved 2 times, but can only imagine how painful and drawn out this is gonna be. I did everything I was supposed to and they are just claiming it's my fault that their representatives gave me false info, twice! This has been going back and forth with supervisors and managers and now I'm submitting a state complaint but doesn't seem like I'm gaining any traction. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/AV-Guy1989

See also  Birth of child claim denied for out of network hospital