Hernia Surgery – COBRA help please.

I got fired from my job August 23 this year. I haven’t signed up for any insurance since and just had a physical recently for what I’m hoping is a new job. Well I also just found out during that physical that I have a hernia and that probably explains why I have been having consistent lower abdominal pain and non stop diarrhea (going on 3 weeks now 4-5x a day or more). Ima dunk g I’m going to need surgery and soon. The problem is I can’t afford COBRA or any health insurance at the moment as I’m unemployed and bringing in no money.

Would it be better for me to sign up for COBRA before my deadline in a few days and hope I get this new job or should I apply for Medicaid and try to get assistance to lower the cost? If I do apply for Medicaid can I go ahead and have the surgery or must I wait until I get approved? Do they back pay if I have to wait to be approved but get the surgery asap. Not sure I can wait that long tbh. How do they determine if you qualify for more assistance (I’ve seen some people only pay like $50 a month)?

submitted by /u/Wesley0890

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