How can I find out the answer to an appeal? Deadline is today

My insurance has been awful at handling an appeal I made due to a denial for coverage. Their process is for the patient to leave a message on their voicemail, and you have to hope someone gets back to you eventually. My case manager gave me her direct phone number, I left a message with her yesterday afternoon and haven't heard back. My insurance has by the end of the day today to meet their deadline for making a decision on my appeal case. Additionally, my doctor's office is pressuring me to find out by the end of the day as well so they can determine how to proceed with care moving forward.

Does a case manager have any say in the decision if I annoy her by calling again and leaving another voicemail? If I call the generic insurance number on my card, is there a chance they can connect me to a different human (rather than an answering machine) who can share the answer with me, or is my case manager the only person who knows what the answer is?

For context, this is in-network, for something that should be covered but my insurance is deeming "medically unnecessary."

submitted by /u/EverythingBagelSzn

See also  Appeal denied-looking for help