What’s The Most Boring Car Ever Made?

What’s The Most Boring Car Ever Made?

Photo: Toyota

At Jalopnik, we love exciting cars. Cars that set our souls on fire. Cars that make us feel something, but we also recognize that never every car can or should do that. In reality, there are a hell of a lot more boring cars out there than exciting ones. Still though, even among boring cars, some stand above the rest. That’s what has led me to today’s question.

I want to know what you all think is the most boring car of all time. What car is so dull you can’t even stand to think about it? What car makes you sleepy the second you see one drive down the road? I want to know what the real snooze-fests are to you, kind people.

Being boring doesn’t necessarily mean a car is bad, and that’s important to keep in mind. There are plenty of very good cars that are deeply boring (looking at you, Toyota Corolla). Just because it’s a boring appliance doesn’t mean it isn’t good at what it does. Also, I want you all to know I’m not a stickler. The car you suggest does not have to be a car that is universally agreed to as boring.

I know some of you little freaks think hypercars are boring. Every time a new $1 million+ supercar gets written about on this site, the comments are always full of how no one cares, and they’re all the same, and they’re boring. Blah, blah, blah, blah. I don’t agree with this take, but I respect your right to feel it.

Anyway, drop down below and let your fellow Jalops know what you think is the most boring car of all time. As always, bonus points will be awarded if you explain why you think a car is boring. They’re redeemable at your local Fuddruckers.

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