Covered California acceptable proof of income for subsidy.

We are 2 adults ( married but not living together ) and 1 child w a covered California policy since September 2023. In 2023 we received no subsidy on the policy ( paying full price ) because we were making enough money to not receive it, but we have to get a policy through Covered California in mid 2023 because there was a problem with the payment and insurance got terminated directly, Covered California was able to enroll us on a policy. But in 2024 we adjusted the income and we are getting a subsidy of about 50% less. My spouse and I are in the process of getting divorce and have not been living together for some part of 2023 and 2024. 1- How can show Covered California proof of income for 2023 if my soon to be ex did not added me to his 2023 taxes, and i did not filed ( 2022 and before we always filed together ) ?

2 – My soon to be ex is financially supporting me but I have no proof of income, how can I still get the subsidy ? I don’t wan to migrate to Medical or Medicare.

3- What happened if I can’t show any proof of income for 2023 ? The year already passed, I paid full price in the policy so I own nothing to anyone ( I received no subsidy )

submitted by /u/Aphrodite-Hermes

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