Is there any way to get some portion of entire mouth grafting covered under my medical insurance?

I have a medical condition that wiped out my mouth at 18. Over the past decade I've been getting extensive gum grafting and such to not lose all my teeth. It's never been easy, but at least dental insurance covered about 60% of the costs each year. However, in 2024 every dental insurance in my area stopped covering my procedures needed. There are none that exist that will cover it. My $1k a year in mouth surgeries is now $3-$4k, and I'm not sure what to do. I can no longer afford my surgeries.

Every single person I've talked to said that they would contact their health insurance and see if they would make an exception to consider these surgeries as medical necessities and not just "dental", but I told them that I'm almost positive that's impossible.

Figured I'd reach out to the experts here to lay this misconception to rest: this is impossible, correct? I have very good health insurance, but even with the best of the best, I don't think they'd touch this.

submitted by /u/TheGabaGhoul22

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