5000+ in medical debt and was just denied financial aid.

Someone suggested I post this here.

I live in Florida and am a kindergarten teacher. I had a medical emergency in June and was in the hospital for 3 days. Long story short, I had surgery, and the lab report came back finding a 2cm cancerous tumor and I now have to have further surgery to treat any possible cancerous spread.

I hit my out of pocket maximum for my insurance in July, which is over $5000. I’ve been having a horrible time with the financial aid department at the hospital, and they only just got back to me today informing me that I am not eligible for aid. The payment plan they offered me is nearly $400 a month that I do not have. I am unmarried. I make less than 50k a year.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe this is happening to me at 27 years old. My parents have made it clear it not so many words that they have no intention of helping me with any of this financial burden. I’m terrified of the balance being sent to collections. If you have any insight on hospital bills or anything relevant to this please, please help me. This has been the worst year of my life for a lot of reasons but this takes the cake.

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