Help choosing from employer’s healthcare plans

I’m a single 27 year old man who just got a new employer and will be choosing healthcare plans, but I’m still learning how healthcare works. I have an emergency savings of $17,000 in a HYSA, a previous 401k with around $12,000 that I need to roll over, and a personal brokerage account of around $7,000. I’m pretty young and healthy and only really plan to utilize my healthcare for checkups, preventative healthcare (such as getting on PrEP), and in case of emergencies, though I do hopefully plan to get my impacted wisdom teeth removed within this year or next year. Which plan appears to be the best option for someone like me to choose in this sort of scenario?

PPO 1000 – $48.22 per month (In Network) $1,000 Deductible $3,200 OOP Maximum 20% Coinsurance Office Visit $30 Specialist $60

HSA (deductible before coinsurance/copays – $43.04 per month (In Network) $3,000 Deductible $4,000 OOP Maximum 0% Coinsurance Office Visit 0% Specialist 0%

PPO 4000 – $0 per month (employer-covered) (In Network) $4,000 Deductible $6,400 OOP Maximum 20% Coinsurance Office Visit $30 Specialist $60

submitted by /u/throwawaytmi123

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