Help – I missed a Single Cobra payment and now they have terminated me.

I am so upset and hope can get some help. I have been paying a Cobra plan since May, I am a 59 Y.O. female. I thought I had paid for September, but when I went to pay my October bill on October 2nd, my coverage had been terminated, they only allow a 30 day grace period, and since I didn’t pay September’s bill, I got dropped! I completely forgot as I had been out of the country on vacation. I had 1 year left of my Cobra.

Does anyone know if there is any way to work with them to allow me to pay the months I missed and get my plan active again? Does anyone know if the COMPANY who I had the insurance through can help me? It just so happens that I am working for them again, but only for a few weeks as a freelancer. Do they have discretion as far as getting the Cobra administrator to re-instate the policy? (I would be happy to pay the months I missed)

The reason I am so upset is twofold:

I was getting a good rate for the Cobra, it was cheaper than anything I can get through ACA.

More importantly, I am unable to get insurance until Jan 1. Open Enrollment opens on November 1, and if I sign up for this, won’t be insured till Jan. 1.

I am terrified at the prospect of going 3 months without insurance.

Would love to know your thoughts, advice and any ideas any of you have, thanks! The Cobra administrator is a company called Cobra Simple.

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