Billing Dispute Regarding Awful IUD experience

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my experience and see if anyone else has gone through something similar. I recently went in for my first IUD placement, and it was a nightmare. A nurse practitioner performed the procedure, and she said it should take less than 5 minutes. However, she mentioned I have a narrow cervix and a tilted uterus, which made things difficult.

She tried to insert the IUD for a good 15-20 minutes, using different tools, and the pain was unbearable. At one point, I moved because it hurt so much, and she finally got it in, but I was in even more pain afterward. I was bleeding, shivering, sweating, and couldn’t walk. I had to lie down in a hospital bed for about 45 minutes while she went on her lunch break. Even though I was given ibuprofen, the pain didn’t go away. Eventually, I called her to remove the IUD because the pain was too intense, and after it was out, the pain dropped from a 10 to a 4.

I’m really worried that she may have misplaced the IUD and caused unnecessary trauma, especially since I’ve heard that while IUDs can be painful, it shouldn’t be this excruciating. Now I’m concerned about potential scarring or complications from the failed insertion.

I’m planning to ask the hospital not to bill me for this procedure since I never actually got the IUD, and I’ll be booking an appointment with another OB-GYN to make sure everything is okay.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned about scar tissue or other complications? I’d really appreciate any advice or similar stories.

See also  Really anxious, need some guidance as I think I messed up and was mislead! CoveredCA. Started new job that offers "affordable" employer-sponsored plan, I did not get off of my insurance through CoveredCA in time, I declined the insurance through my employer. What do I do now?

submitted by /u/Legitimate_Wrap1695