
I'm an intern doctor who started my residency in June. In a mess right now. Per HR, I picked a health insurance in the first week of June but didn't "confirm it". Such BS, apparently in the first week of July or something I was supposed to go back in and hit confirm. I have been consistently working 80+ hours a week, didn't have the time or mental energy to address the weekly email reminders they were sending us to "confirm" (I thought I was good the first time I clicked the insurance I wanted).

I only really noticed now. I'm a healthy male who never sees doctors, not on any medications. I found out I'm not covered when trying to get a routine vaccine.

What can I do at this point? I'm fighting hard with my employer. I don't think they'll budge but there might be a chance?

I'm thinking of a possible strategy but want it to be legal, don't want any trouble. Open enrollment is in November. Can I sign up for marketplace insurance and then cancel it right away and enroll with my employer? HR is telling me "loss of insurance" for literally any reason is a qualifying event. I can just cancel with the reason that it wasn't meeting my healthcare needs or whatever? Is this above board? Please help.

submitted by /u/bassandguitarduhduh

See also  What age should I get health insurance?