Help me choose employer health plan

got a new job and they offer 5 different plans to choose from. My situation: me in my late 30’s, would like to have physicals and imaging and testing and whatnot to make sure I’m healthy. We have a 2 months old baby, he’s healthy. Will include the wife in the plan, so it’s going to be a family plan. I’m debating between: – Silver HDHP OAP with HSA: cost $92 per paycheck, deductible $3600, coinsurance 15%, oop max $6k. – Gold OAP: cost $294 per paycheck, deductible $1k, oop max $5k, conisurance 20%. – Kaiser Platinum HMO: cost $128 per paycheck, deductible 0, oop max $3k, coinsurance 0%.

Kaiser looks good but been reading about them and some bad stories from people using them. Plus I’m leaning towards PPO/OAP in general. I’m thinking maybe get the Gold OAP now to have low deductible to get my tests done, and switch to Silver HDHP + HSA in the next open enrollment. But with a growing family and me approaching my 40s I might need to rethink that vs staying in Gold OAP.

What do you recommend? Appreciate your advice.

submitted by /u/BoogieEngineerHaha

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