BCBS messed up and I’m anticipating hell

So I changed my doctor a while back on my insurance, and when it came time to reinsure this year I made some changes, but that I still have the correct doctor on file. Suddenly I get a new card in the mail that has the old doctor on it, this is a problem because that doctor is terrible, will not prescribe the medication that I’m on, and it makes me cry every time I have to go out of frustration. At the time I didn’t really think anything of it, but I called to refill my Adderall yesterday, and this morning I was finding it weird that it wasn’t already refilled and realized that my entire insurance might have changed. This is a double problem, because they change things at the first of every month and it’s the second, so I have no idea if they’re even going to be willing to fix it, because while it is their mistake I’m sure they will try to blame me. The best part is I have been waiting an hour and a half already for their office to open up so I can call. So I’m a big ball of anxiety, looking at potentially not having my meds for another month, and I honestly and truly feel bad for whatever representative ends up with me, because I am not in the mood to be nice. I’m not going to get on the phone immediately yelling or anything, but the moment they tell me some shit about not being able to help me they are going to get bit. Even better is that I have to go to work as soon as they open, and I have a meeting as soon as I get there, and then an appointment directly after that. This means I either have to move my whole schedule around and hope it doesn’t piss off my boss, or freak out about this for the next few hours. My boss is just going to have to be okay, because I refuse to spend the next 3 to 4 hours having a quiet panic attack and thinking about nothing but how much I want to strangle whoever did this to me.

See also  I recently got out of my parents insurance because I’m 26 and I need to get my own health insurance. I’m brand new to this and my previous insurance was select health which was provided by my fathers work. I recently got my first quote, but I don’t know what I should be looking for or asking.