These Are The Ugliest Trucks Of All Time


You’re ruining the view. Photo: Hummer

There are a few things that America does better than most: BBQ, excessive military spending and pickup trucks. None of those are particularly attractive things, least of all pickup trucks.

But it’s not just America that builds ugly trucks (though they are the best at it) it turns out the whole word has tried its hand at this particular pastime, which means there’s a whole heap of vile vehicles out there claiming to be utilitarian. To find out just which trucks might be the worst, though, we turned to you and asked for your picks for the ugliest pickup trucks of all time.

Thankfully, you came back with a whole host of awful answers that weren’t just the Cybertruck… although that particular monstrosity may have made an appearance once or twice. So, why not start your day off with a bang with our roundup of the ugliest trucks of all time, as chosen by the lovely readers of Jalopnik.

Have we missed a truck that you think is terrible? Let us know in the comments below.

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