Brand new to insurance.. and realized I am over my allowance I was given. I’m very scared

I'm freshly off my parents insurance.

I started a financial assistance plan where I qualified if I make under a certain amount this year. It is state insurance and they gave me a certain spending amount. I desperately need therapy and I haven't been paying attention / didn't know I had to.. I feel like I totally screwed this up and didn't have any proper help when I signed up.

I've realized I'm nearly $900 over what I was given. I felt and still feel very naive going through with getting this state insurance, but I was desperate because my mental health was and still is, on the line. I couldn't afford not settling for this state insurance.

I have no idea what to do. Where do I start? I feel so unsupported, my family hasn't helped with any of my "adulting". I feel I'm purely to blame for all of this. I can only assume this means I will owe $900.

I use Connecticare.

submitted by /u/_areyoupositive_

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