Application for Marketplace Insurance Stuck in Medicaid Stage – "waiting for your state agency to contact you". When I Know I Don’t Qualify For Medicaid.

I turned 26 this month and by September 30th I will be off my family's health insurance plan. I was expecting this and I put in an application for maketplace insurance with in early July. Originally, I was unemployed in July, and going for medicaid insurance or VERY discounted marketplace insurance. However, the application took so long to process, that I have now acquired a job that pays me the kind of money that would make the government LAUGH at me if I even breathed the word medicaid in their general direction.

So now it's the end of September, and it says on my application that they're STILL trying to figure out if I qualify for medicaid (which I know I no longer do) and that my application status is "may qualify for medicaid" and "waiting for your state agency to contact you". I fear this is preventing my application from processing fully and I worry it will even prevent me from accessing open enrollment this winter.

I did update my yearly income on the application once I started my new position. However, the question on the application is "what is your estimated yearly income for 2024?" and that's hard to answer properly.

I quit job 1 in March of 2024, and started job 2 in August of 2024. So I will only receive 3 months salary from job 1 and 4 months salary from job 2 this fiscal year. Both jobs full salary alone disqualify me from medicaid. However, with them being split up like this, my estimated yearly income doesn't fully disqualify me. The application doesn't ask me about my monthly income, but I know my current monthly income completely disqualifies me regardless of my estimated yearly income this year.

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Since I do not qualify for medicaid, and its extremely likely my state agency is never going to contact me. Is there any way for me to opt out of the screening for medicaid eligibility? Or a way for me to tell them that I don't qualify somehow to expidite the application process? I make the monthly income cap for medicaid in a week now. I know I won't qualify for any special programs or extenuating circumstances either and if I did, I wouldn't want them. I barely use my current health insurance and I just want to give the government my money for some basic healthcare plan from the marketplace and stop worrying about it.

TLDR- I turned 26 and aged out of my family insurance plan this month. I applied for marketplace insurance in early July while I was unemployed. This triggered a medicaid portion of the application (due to no income). However, since then, I have acquired a job that pays very well and due to my new monthly income, I no longer qualify for medicaid in any way. Yet my application is stuck on "may qualify for medicaid" and "waiting on your state agency to contact you". I already updated my estimated yearly income on the application. Is there a way to opt out of the medicaid screening or inform the government I no longer qualify? As far as i know, my marketplace application cannot be fully processed until the medicaid portion is completed.

submitted by /u/xLINDZx