Can my parents take me off of their health insurance?

Hi everyone. I plan on moving out soon, which is sure to anger my parents. I am currently a senior in highschool (18F), and will be going to college in fall of 2025. I am still on my parents' health insurance (I think? The insurance office is being weird and my parents don't really tell me things, so who knows), since I am still enrolled in highschool.

So here's my question. Since I will be graduating this summer and going off to college, would my parents be able to kick me off of their health insurance? Also, if they were to kick me off of their insurance, how would I know? I do not want to end up in a position where I need health insurance, but do not have any. I am trying to make sure there is nothing my parents can do to screw my life over once I move out, and insurance is something I know nothing about (my parents did not teach me how to be an adult. Money and government goes right over my head).

submitted by /u/ItsyDoods

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