Need advise on how to handle this notice

My father-in-law passed away and didn’t give us many instructions on how to handle his estate. We randomly received this notice and of course called Lincoln, but they were unable to give us any information and all they could say was “fill out the forms and send in with all required attachments and then we can tell you more”. We are just confused..isn’t the point of a life insurance policy that it pays out when you pass away? Why is the policy itself being passed on to a new owner (my husband) and what does it even mean to be an owner? We did receive a life insurance payment from Lincoln following his death a year or so ago and thought that was it so this is quite confusing. Forgive me, I have no idea how this stuff works and probably sound pretty dense. We are hesitant to proceed with such little info and all we have access to is a copy of his death certificate. We have no idea what “appropriate paperwork applicable to the descendents state” means, either. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/poolpartyjess

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