SOS – I don’t know how to adult

Hi, I’ve never used Reddit before and overall I’m just a dumb adult, but I’m trying to find some clarity on how to acquire health insurance… 26F, nearly 27, with my permanent address being in Virginia currently. I have no health issues and no hospitalizations within the last 5 years. It’s hard to get clear information from Reddit threads because my circumstances are a little unique in some ways. I moved abroad in 2022 at 25yo, so I was still covered under my parents’ insurance for that period of my life, if I were to have come back to the US. I aged out of their coverage while abroad, but didn’t look for health insurance here as I was covered under the NHS in the UK. Well, my relationship in the UK fell apart in the spring of 2024 and I’d already been missing home, so I returned to the US. (Not looking for commentary on the perks of UK gov’t healthcare as opposed to the US healthcare system, I far prefer the US for so many reasons, I’m just a naive adult trying to find my footing as I’ve also gone no-contact with my family in the last two years, and have no close elders in my life to seek support from regarding these questions and concerns).

I don’t think I have a QLE to be eligible for Open Enrollment, as I returned in April, fully decided to stay in the US in June, and have listed my permanent address as a friend’s address in VA as of July of this year. I’ve been moving around a bit for work trials (typical in my line of work) and don’t want to change my permanent address to any of these 6-12 week trial locations as I imagine it would be problematic/a hassle if it doesn’t pan out for me to stay on with them. Mentioning this as i know a change of address within 60 days is a QLE, if I’m reading things right online..

See also  My Publications in 2024

I’ve picked up a less than ideal coverage plan of gap insurance that I’m considering cancelling anyways as I just get the ick when I think about it. For a similar experience, see:

Am I right in thinking open enrollment starts November 1 for me to seek plans through the ACA? Do I qualify? My gross annual income is roughly $50k, maybe slightly over that. Are the plans via the VA Marketplace the same as ACA plans? Should I just seek a refund and wait for open enrollment? I’ve been without coverage for so long that I simply don’t care anymore about being uninsured for a little bit longer. I’d rather put that money toward the expenses of sending the rest of my things home from abroad anyways.

I literally have no idea what I’m doing and I’m trying so hard to get a grasp on the basics of life and I’m just so lost. Please be kind if you do answer, I’m just incredibly embarrassed to not have my life together in what should be the simplest of ways, health insurance and taxes(though that’s a post for a different thread…)