Howden team take on the Leadenhall abseil challenge

Howden team take on the Leadenhall abseil challenge

On Friday 13th September (yes, really) a group of Howden colleagues are abseiling down The Leadenhall Building in London. Also known as the “Cheesegrater” due to its distinctive wedge shape, it’s sleek design and panoramic views provide the perfect backdrop for our team’s challenge – which has been dubbed their Mission Impossible stunt double audition!

At 225m tall, it’s one of the highest building abseils in Europe. And 22 Howden colleagues are taking on this challenge together, including Kelly Ogley, CEO Consumer and Local Commercial, to raise money for Maggie’s our UK charity partner.

Why take on the Leadenhall Abseiling Challenge?

We spoke to some of the Howden team who bravely volunteered to propel themselves down the 738-foot-high building. What motivated them to take part in the challenge?

ilding to raise money for Maggie’s. I’ve never done anything like this before, and have a fear of heights! But it’s well worth it to raise as much as we can for such an important cause.”

Ellen Stevens, Corporate Communications Director:

“It seemed like a good idea when I agreed to do it, and something fun! Now, so many people are telling me that we’re both brave and mad – and that they wouldn’t do it! It’s making me question whether my legs are going to turn to jelly and I’m just hoping I don’t get stage fright and freeze halfway down!

“But cancer is no joke, so we hope people will give generously and support us in this silliness to help Maggie’s on its mission to ensure that nobody who is diagnosed with cancer loses the joy of living in the fear of dying.”

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Mark Wilson, Buildings Project Manager:

“This last couple you years my wife and I have lost several close friends to cancer. Being the same age group, it brings it home to us how life is so short. So, I thought why not support a cancer charity and do my bit by leaning and dangling on the end of a rope over the side of a 600ft high building?!”

Victoria Morby, Howden Horsham Branch Manager:

“My grandfather passed away and had cancer. I can only imagine how brave he, and my family were when they learnt his diagnosis. I am absolutely terrified. But if I can face my biggest fear, be even just a fraction of how brave he was and raise money for a great charity that supports people in the scariest of times, then that’s something I am going to do.”

Darren Jones, Group Trainer Lead:

 “I wanted to take part to support Maggie’s and raise money for this amazing charity whilst challenging myself at the same time. We all know someone who has had cancer and Maggie’s does fantastic work in supporting them through difficult times.”

Aaron Ashley, Senior Operational Excellence Manager

“In April this year, my Nan lost her battle with cancer, and I saw first-hand how difficult palliative care really is for both the patient and the care giver(s). My Nan’s wish was to have her family look after her right until the end and that is what we did. However, it has really brought it home that there are many families without this option, who would really be at a detriment if charities like this didn’t exist. Maggie’s really do go above and beyond throughout the care process, and afterwards which is why I am proud to support them.”

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Marian Dowling, Howden Tooting Office Manager:

“Even though I am the most unlikely risk-taker you will ever know, I signed up to the abseil challenge as it is such a great cause. In this month alone, two people that I am very close to have been diagnosed with cancer and have started their journey with various treatments and surgery. It is all round us, frighteningly so, and if we can make a small difference by getting out of our comfort zone and doing this challenge, it is a small ask.”

Sophie Booth, Howden Farnborough Insurance Consultant

“I decided to take part because it is for such a good cause and with Howden’s donation match this is an opportunity for us to raise a huge amount of money for Maggie’s. Its also great to see so many of us taking part and coming together to raise as much as possible.”

Raegan Kerley, Business Development Executive:

“I have seen first-hand the work Maggie’s carry out and the impact this makes so I feel strongly about ensuring their services can continue to help those in need. A family member of a close friend of mine was sadly diagnosed with cancer at just 30 years old, which came as such a shock to the whole family. Although it is unfortunate that they had to utilise Maggie’s services, they could not speak more highly of how vital their support was during what was one of the toughest things they could experience as a family.

“I think the fact that Maggie’s work equally as hard at supporting other family members as well as the patient is incredible, and I would like to do all I can to keep these services accessible to other families who may need them. As someone who was looking for a personal challenge this year, I could not think of a better cause!”

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About Maggie’s Cancer Trust

In May this year, Howden employees chose Maggie’s as our UK charity partner. Maggie’s provide a different kind of cancer care. The money we raise will help Maggie’s to continue to offer free expert care and support for people living with cancer and their friends and family, funding vital financial and psychological support.

With 24 centres across the UK and online support available, Maggie’s helps people take back control when cancer turns life upside down. This support can involve anything, from treatment side effects to money worries.

Our overall fundraising target as a Group is £500,000, and this event is just one of the ways in which we’re meeting that goal. With over 200 high street branches and office locations across the UK & Ireland there’s a whole array of fundraising activities happening. Recently over 200 employees and clients did a 24-hour cycling marathon at Goodwood motor circuit raising over £115,000!