So I've been on NJ Family Care since I was 19 and have been working for the hospital for a year and a half 2023 to now, My last years renewel letter they went off the labor board and they reapproved me despite me working full time hours and my checks borderline coming out to nearly 1000 dollar range a month (biweekly pay) I got a renewel form this year 2024 in May-June and I had started school in december so I do not work as much and do not receive as much money as previous, Now my Checks come out To 600 to 700 dollars Biweekly (After Taxes) with some checks going in the 500 range, I filled out my income has changed and they sent me a letter wanting one of my recent checks so I provided my last check which was 700 dollars . It took NJ Family Care two months to send me a rejection letter in which they state my MAGI income is 1927 a month (Over their 1700 dollar per individual threshold), I was suffice to say shocked because I hardly touched that income level per month anytime this year and looked back at all my biweekly checks trying to see how they had gotten that number. My termination date is on the 30th of September and unsure if going through the appeal process is worth it or should I just reapply after the insurance is terminated?

submitted by /u/ALiteralOwl

See also  Medicaid