Thinking about spouse taking her HMO through work while keeping her on my HDHP PPO

So we debating adding my wife’s HMO through her work with just coverage for her. The details are as follows:

Monthly premium cost for her BCBS in Texas: ~$25

Plan details: 7K deductible / 7,900 OOP max / $40 PCP copay / $80 specialist / $75 urgent care / 30% coinsurance / Network office visits, prescription drugs, preventive care services, and Urgent care services are covered before you meet your deductible.

Also allows the whole family free teledoc appts.

My HDHP (also BCBS in Texas) details (individual deductible limits): 5k / 6,750 OOP max / 20% coinsurance and of course full payment for all office visits.

Is there any downside to adding her to her own plan. At $25 per month cost its minimal, and free access to the teledoc is always nice (I tend to use that a few times a year). I think I know the downsides of a HMO but both her PCP and GYN are already in network.

Am I missing anything. I’m familier with COB as we had her on a very good health plan for both kids years ago while also being on my HDHP. That was really nice because it’d run up the HDHP deductible while having our out of pocket be really low.

As an important point too, she is dealing with a little health issue right now. She was in PT earlier this year (12ish visits) for her back and also is dealing with some pain with her women parts. She has already had a ultrasound and full body CT for that and they are continuing to determine what is going on with that.

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